August 16 2023
This handbook is designed to give you information and to answer any questions you may have about Faria, its schedule, procedures, and policies. We have migrated the handbook fully to this website so that you can use the search function to easily find sections of interest. Also the website can be fully translated to the language of your choice.
I look forward to the upcoming year filled with learning and growth for all.
Mary Enright, Principal
School Procedures
- Arrival and Departure from School
- School Safety
- Behavior and Discipline
- Parent Volunteering
- Donations
- Fundraising
Arrival and Departure from School
Parents should avoid dropping off children in front of the houses along Scofield Ave. and Barbara Lane. It is easiest to drive in from Rodrigues or Bonny Drive park and then walk a couple of blocks.
Plan to arrive between 8:15 a.m. and 8:25 a.m., adjusting your arrival to the time of least congestion. Staff supervision is available beginning at 8:15 a.m. therefore students cannot be on campus without adult supervision before 8:15 a.m.
Parents need to pick up children promptly at the dismissal time. If parents need to wait for children in grades 4 and 5, they are to wait in the designated waiting areas only. Parents should not wait by the classrooms at dismissal. Students should be closely supervised in the waiting area so that there is no running. Please refer to the Daily Schedule for the complete times for dismissal.
Please see the Parking and Walking Instructions for more details.
Students by law, must attend school every day and on time. Poor attendance or persistent tardiness will show itself in poor school progress. Tardiness disrupts the instructional process.
Every day a student is absent, a parent MUST report the absence by going to ParentSquare to report the reason for the student’s absence. Please see Absence Reporting for all the options.
All absences are classified as “excused” or “unexcused.” “Excused” absences are: illness, injury, quarantine, or necessary visits to physicians, dentists, etc. Other absences are legally defined as “unexcused” and are considered truancy from school. To have an absence marked as verified, a note from the doctor/dentist with the date and time of the appointment must be brought to the office.
When a student is late to school, the student should go directly to the office to get a tardy slip. Any student not in line at 8:30 a.m. is considered tardy. Tardiness is recorded and parents will be notified when it becomes excessive. Student tardiness causes the tardy student to miss directions, instructions, and materials being distributed. It may also delay instruction for other students in the class.
On rainy days, students should go straight to their classrooms, which will be opened at 8:15 a.m. All activities, including lunch and recess, will be held in the classrooms. Supervision will be provided by the staff.
School Safety
There are many types of emergencies that may occur in or around Faria A+ School while school is in session. The school may need to make critical decisions and implement emergency procedures as necessary. Established emergency guidelines will be sent home during the school year. It is vital to keep your emergency contact information current. In the event of an emergency students will only be released to those on the contact list.
Safety Considerations
- Closed Campus
- Rules for Visitors
- Harassment and Bullying
- Traffic Management
- Parking Lot Rules
- Bicycles, Skateboards, Roller skates, etc.
- Pets at School
Closed Campus
The school has the responsibility for the students from the time they arrive at school until they are picked up or reach their after school program. Therefore, it is necessary to have a closed campus at Faria A+ School. If a student must leave the school because of an emergency, a parent, guardian, or an authorized responsible adult must sign the child out in the school office. All authorized adults must be on the student's record. Additions and changes to those names is done in your online Opening Day Packet which you receive in early August.
Rules for Visitors
Harassment and Bullying
State and federal laws and district policies provide for an environment free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying. Students are protected from bullying based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity/gender expression, as well as race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, disability and religion. All complaints of this nature should be made to the principal so that immediate steps can be taken.
When a situation occurs, the school will work with the students and the parents to correct and eliminate the behavior.
Traffic Management
Parents are strongly encouraged to come early, park in the neighborhood and walk their children into school. This is so helpful in reducing the number of cars using the drive through. Please use the unmarked curb space in the neighborhood, or the 30-minute parking spaces marked by signs on Scofield Drive (between Barbara Lane and Western Drive); Bonny Drive (between Scofield Drive and Pepper Tree Lane); and Pepper Tree Lane (between S. Stelling Road and Barbara Lane).
Parents who walk their children to and from a parked car must use one of three crosswalks marked in the parking lot. Children must walk with their parents. Stop, use caution, and follow the direction of the adult traffic monitor when crossing the parking lot.
Staff supervision begins at 8:15 a.m. on the playground, according to the required contracted duty day for our teachers. The gates for the school are opened at 8:15. Parents may wait with their children in front of the school until the 8:15 a.m. bell rings.
We have an incredible team of parents who come out, rain or shine, to assist in the parking lot and to help pedestrians to cross the street. However, more parent volunteers are needed. Volunteers could assist pedestrians to cross at all crosswalks leading to school; assist students getting out of cars; and keep the traffic flowing in our parking lot. Please contact the school office if you can help us in the mornings (or afternoons).
The City of Cupertino has painted two red zones on either side of the parking lot exit to improve visibility, thus reducing the time for cars to exit both to the right and to the left out of the school parking lot. Other options for increasing efficiency of traffic flow are being pursued by the city and our school district.
Again, parents are strongly encouraged to come early, park in the neighborhood (see above) and wait at the picnic tables at the front of the school for their children.
In Kindergarten, students will be dismissed from the gates. Parents and carpools will need to make arrangements to pick students up from the gate. Kindergarten parents will not be allowed to pick up students in the drive through.
In grades 1-5, parents will be required to post color-coded name/room number cards for vehicle dashboards / visors which will be sent home the first day of school. The vanpool drivers for childcare agencies and after school programs will need to come to the school office at the beginning of the year to be issued vanpool permits for their dashboards/visors.
In grades 1-5, students will be seated on the sidewalk to wait for their vehicles. Their first names and room numbers will be announced by a staff member over our public announcement system when their vehicles arrive. Please look for the color-coded name/room number cards (duplicate set provided) and detailed procedures which will go home with your children on the first day of school.
In grades 1-3, if the students are walking home with their parents they need to be picked up on the south end of the parking lot. All others ( Grades 4-5) will be picked up in front.
Parking Lot Rules
The Faria parking lot only has sufficient space for the staff. Visitors must park adjacent to the school on the west side of Barbara Lane. Families may only enter the parking lot to use the curb-side drive through pickup and drop off between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Notices will be left for all cars parked in the lot that do not have a staff parking permit displayed.
Entering the parking lot: Do not pull into the parking lot halfway so that your car blocks the sidewalk. Wait until you have enough space so that you can pull all the way in, so the sidewalk is not blocked to walkers and bikers.
Exiting the parking lot: There are two lanes for exiting our parking lot. The right lane exits right and the left lane exits left. Be very cautious and alert when exiting, as many cars change lanes near the exit.
Our one-way parking lot has two driving lanes. See the Traffic Guidelines page for useful maps.
- The right lane, next to the curb, is called the loading lane. This is the only lane for loading and unloading your children. You may stop in this lane as long as you pull forward and there is no gap in front of you. You must remain inside your car.
- The middle lane is next to the loading lane. This lane is a drive-through lane. Once you have loaded or unloaded in the loading lane, you may, when safe, move into this lane to exit. Cars must continue forward if there is no one in front of them. Never load or unload children or stop in this lane.
- Please do not move forward in the middle lane and cut in front of stopped cars which are unloading children at the right lane curb.
- The left lane is solely for staff parking. Families should not use that lane.
Students should only be exiting and entering the car from the right (passenger) side so that they never walk in the parking lot as that is very unsafe given the amount of traffic. Adjust all car seats to make this process simple for your child.
Morning: When you enter the parking lot, make sure everyone is prepared. Pull your car forward as far as possible in the unloading lane next to the curb. Once parked, make sure your children have all their gear and have unlocked their seatbelt, that the doors are unlocked, and that good-byes have been said. Unload all of your children at the same time from the right-hand doors. Safely exit the parking lot.
If you need to unload items from your car, you will need to park in the neighborhood for no longer than the posted minutes. Do not plan to remove items from a the trunk of your car while in the unloading lane. You may not leave your car unattended anywhere in the parking lot.
Afternoon: Remind your children to face the loading lane and look for the car or carpool that will be picking them up. When you reach the loading lane, be sure the right-hand passenger doors are unlocked. Continue to move forward so there are no gaps in front of you. After loading, exit the parking lot safely.
On occasion, traffic cones will be used to reserve parking spaces for the staff in the parking lot. DO NOT remove the cones from the reserved parking spaces. The reserved spaces are needed so that staff members can park their cars quickly in order to carry out their duties with the students.
Everyone is expected to cooperate with, be polite to, and support the parking lot volunteer parents and staff.
Never exceed 5 miles per hour in our parking lot. Obey the speed limits in the neighborhoods.
Obey all local traffic rules including having children secured in a car seat, and never making u-turns while waiting.
Respect our neighbors. Do not block driveways or speed through the neighborhood.
You are your child's first teacher. Be a good role model for them. Be patient, kind, and tolerant and your children will learn how to handle stress and be good human beings.
Our parking lot comes under the jurisdiction of the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles). Follow all rules for safety, one-way traffic, loading, parking, and handicapped parking.
Copy these rules and give them to everyone who drives your children to Faria.
Your cooperation is vital to the safety of our children.
Bicycles, Skateboards, Roller skates, etc.
Bicycles are brought to school at the owner's risk; the school cannot be responsible for any damage that may occur while they are here. Bicycles may be ridden to school by students in grades 1 through 5. Each bicycle is to be equipped with a lock and kept individually locked during the school day. Bicycles need a valid municipal license, obtainable at any fire station. The streets leading to the school are heavy with traffic. Students must abide by all public safety rules. Cyclists must wear a helmet.
Skateboards and roller skates are not allowed at school for safety and storage reasons.
Pets at School
Behavior and Discipline
Faria A+ Students are expected to do their best, be fair, be safe, be respectful and be responsible. They are expected to follow the number one and number two rules.
Number One Rule: Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
Number Two Rule: No put-downs.
Our Social and Emotional Learning objectives are aligned with the national framework below (CASEL 2017):
Self-awareness: Know your strengths and limitations, with a well-grounded sense of confidence, optimism, and a “growth mindset.”
Self-management: Effectively manage stress, control impulses, and motivate yourself to set and achieve goals.
Social awareness: Understand the perspectives of others and empathize with them, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
Relationship skills: Communicate clearly, listen well, cooperate with others, resist inappropriate social pressure, negotiate conflict constructively, and seek and offer help when needed.
Responsible decision-making: Make constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions based on ethical standards, safety, and social norms.
Faria students are expected to show understanding by exhibiting these character traits:
- Friendship
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Perseverance
- Empathy
- Compassion
- Cooperation
- Honesty
- Acceptance
- Kindness
- Manners
- Self Discipline
Behaviors Expectations and Major Offenses
Major Offenses
- Fighting or calling someone out to a fight.
- Throwing any object that could cause injury to another. (Such as rocks, dirt clods, or tanbark).
- Ethnic or racial slurs.
- Vulgar gestures or words.
- Continual pattern of classroom disturbance.
- Destruction and/or defacing of public or private property.
- Cheating, lying, or stealing.
- Being disrespectful to adults.
- Repeated minor offenses, for example: chewing gum, tardiness, littering, being disrespectful to peers, and playing in unsupervised areas.
- Threatening to hurt someone or encouraging someone else to fight or play fight.
Behavior Expectations
- The Number One Rule: Keep your hands, your feet, and objects to yourself.
- The Number Two Rule: No put-downs.
- Students are expected to “use their words” to solve problems on the yard. When a resolution cannot be reached, students are encouraged to
- State the problem without blaming others,
- Brainstorm solutions like using Rock, paper, scissors,
- Evaluate if it is a fair, then try it out. If it doesn’t work, then try another option that was discussed. If necessary seek a yard supervisor to help you through the process.
- Stay away from the “off limits areas” at recess, lunch, and after school.
- Behind rooms 16-29
- In front of school
- Slope behind GLC
- The courtyards between buildings
- The area between the track and the boundary fence (West & North boundaries)
- The boundary trees
- Between the black top and the boundary fence (South boundary)
- Bike rack
- Stay out of and away from the trees, and do not pull on branches.
- If a ball rolls, bounces, or is thrown off school grounds, only an adult may retrieve it.
- No gum at school any time, anywhere. This includes before, during, after school, during field trips, parties, assemblies, Open House, and GLC evening programs.
- Follow the “school rules” for games such as handball, four square, soccer, and tetherball at all times. Follow the grade level court designations.
- Do not play active games on the grass involving more than 3 grade levels (1-2-3, 2-3-4, 3-4-5).
- Running and chase games (such as tag) may only be played on the grass.
- Arrive at school between 8:15 and 8:28 a.m. At dismissal time, students must go to the front of the school, not the courtyards, or the playground.
- Play Structures: Take turns and be polite. No running in the tanbark. Slides: Sit down, feet out, down only. No games on the play structures that involve closing your eyes like Marco Polo.
- Never lift, pick-up, or carry another person anywhere at school.
- Only bounce balls against the ball walls, not against the buildings. Play with rubber balls and basketballs on the blacktop. Football and soccer balls on the grass only. Never kick a rubber ball.
- Tackle football, pile-on, and all other contact games are not allowed.
- No digging in the dirt or carrying water to play with in the dirt and sand.
- Do not pick up or play with any sticks or rocks.
- Recess snacks may only be eaten at the tanbark “bench.”
- Do not play or eat in the rest rooms. Do not waste water or paper in the bathrooms or any place at school. Always keep your feet on the floor in the restrooms.
- Lunch:
- Walk to tables. Join the line for hot lunch or milk. Remain calm. Talk quietly.
- When eating and drinking, you must be seated at your classroom’s lunch table.
- Follow the table dismissal signals. (If you are not finished, stay seated.)
- When dismissed to clean up, place all litter in the garbage cans.
- Return to your table for inspection by a noon aide and wait to be dismissed to the yard.
- WALK all the way to the playground.
- Get balls and equipment only out of your own room’s ball bin outside. Athletic equipment may not be brought from home.
- Dismissal: Students may not leave the school and wait for their carpools off campus. Students must wait in the front of the school, not the courtyards, or on the playground. Students should be seated quietly and they should wait for their name to be called. Click here to see the off-limits areas.
- Park, lock your bike & helmet, and then leave the bike rack area. The campus is available for bikes after 4:30 p.m. only. Bike riders must wear a helmet.
- Skateboards, scooters, roller skates/blades, wheel/shoes, and such may not be brought to school.
The teacher will take care of minor offenses. Students involved in major offenses may be sent to the office to see the principal if the teacher feels it is necessary.
If a child is involved in a major offense, the teacher or principal will contact the parent(s) and relate the incident. The parent(s) will be urged to work with their child so that no further offenses will occur.
Should a child be involved in repeated problems, a conference will be held with the principal, the teacher, and the child to explore solutions and to find a more positive behavior pattern.
In the event that there are repeated major offenses, in cases that cause injury to others, extreme misconduct; or destruction of property; or with pre-arranged fights, a student may be suspended from school. No student will be suspended from school without parent notification.
Disciplinary action may include detention, litter pickup, loss of a classroom or school privilege, or any action considered necessary by the principal and the staff.
The staff will keep a record of misconduct. Only those resulting in suspensions will be included in the cumulative file of the student.
Student Attire
Research indicates a direct correlation between students' attire and their school behavior, attitude, and achievement. Therefore, the Faria Dress Code is utilized to maintain a traditional environment that is safe, conducive to learning, and free of distraction. Cleanliness, health, and safety are guides to appropriate school attire.
A student's clothing and appearance should not be so extreme as to draw undue attention to the child or to interfere with the teaching and learning in the classroom.
The following are examples of inappropriate attire for Faria students:
- Clothing with inappropriate language, pictures, or gestures.
- Bare midriffs, bare shoulders (such as halter tops and spaghetti straps)
- Skirt, dress, or shorts length shorter than 4 inches above the knee.
- Hats, caps, or visors inside rooms - classroom, office, etc.
- Inappropriate footwear (such as sandals, clogs, flip flops, cleats, heavy boots, high-heeled or platform shoes, and bare feet)
- Makeup, cosmetics (except for medical purposes).
- Hair not groomed or in the eyes.
Teachers for all grades will give guidelines for appropriate P.E. attire. On designated P.E. days, students in 4th and 5th grades may change into shorts in the bathroom before P.E. if they wish to wear shorts for PE.
Students are expected to maintain high standards of conduct and appearance. Rules regarding dress will be strictly enforced by the teachers and principal. Students not abiding by the dress code will be sent to the office and parents will be contacted to provide a change of clothing. It is the parent's responsibility to ensure their child adheres to the Faria Dress Code.
Personal Property
Students are not to bring any personal property such as mobile devices, electronics, trading cards or toys from home for use at school unless requested by the teacher. If a parent requires that a student have a cell phone for after school use, it must be kept in the student’s backpack turned off, and may not be used during the school day. Cell phones will be confiscated if used during the school day. This includes recess and lunch times. Students are not to bring inappropriate literature or magazines to school. Any such materials judged vulgar or inappropriate by the teacher or principal, will be confiscated and parents will be required to come to the office to pick them up.
Parent Volunteering
Parents are required to volunteer for a minimum of 8 hours per school year.* Volunteering opportunities include, but are not limited to: performing traffic duty, substituting for noon duty, preparing classroom materials, providing support in the library or computer lab, and helping to run FEEF events. Parents may also choose to serve on the FEEF or School Site Council boards.
The State Education Code requires school volunteers to be screened and authorized to volunteer. Volunteers must arrange for a CA Department of Justice fingerprint clearance prior to volunteering. Also, volunteers must be TB tested and cleared. Negative test results must be filed in the office and results are valid for four years. TB test vouchers and Department of Justice fingerprint request forms can be obtained in the office. Please see Volunteers for all current information.
Constitution of the State of California requires that we provide a public education to you free of charge. Your right to a free education is for all school/educational activities, whether curricular or extracurricular, and whether you get a grade for the activity or class. Subject to certain exceptions, your right to a free public education means that we cannot require you or your family to purchase materials, supplies, equipment or uniforms for any school activity, nor can we require you or your family to pay security deposits for access, participation, materials, or equipment. You may be required to attend a fundraising event; however, fundraising is voluntary, and you will not be prevented from participating in an educational activity because you are unable to raise money or donate goods or services.
Fundraising is conducted for the purpose of education and enrichment of the Faria A+ community. All fundraising activities will be coordinated between FEEF and SSC. Fundraising by students is allowed through Student Council.
FEEF- Faria Educational Enrichment Fund Council www.faria-feef.org
FEEF works to provide financial support to sustain and enrich the educational program of the students at Faria A+ School. This includes funds to improve students access to books/technology, to fund special events like assemblies, to fund our instructional aides, and have full time support of our librarian and our school technology specialist. This group works to raise money primarily through the direct contribution campaign and corporate matching programs. The FEEF Board meets monthly in the evening and meetings are open to all. Please see the school calendar for meeting dates and times.
SSC - School Site Council
SSC oversees the Faria School Philosophy and the School Plan. It focuses on curriculum, instruction, student achievement and the allocation of funds through the School Improvement Program (SIP). An assessment of the needs of the school is done yearly in the spring. Publicity for Faria is also promoted by SSC. The SSC meets monthly in the afternoon and meetings are open to all. Please see the school calendar for meeting dates and times.
School Services
Health Services
Our Health Services are supervised by a visiting District certificated school nurse who screens the children for sight/hearing losses. She is also available as a resource to the staff for any emergency medical concerns. Additional health staff may be on site for medical procedures that are required on a daily basis.
First Aid
Our secretary team is trained in Red Cross First Aid and they handle most of the day-to-day problems that arise. Injuries, which occur at home, should not be referred to the school for care; see your doctor.
No one at school, including the nurse, may diagnose any illness or injury; nor may any medicine be administered by school personnel, including over-the-counter medications, without a district medication form. If your child must be administered medication at school, please obtain a form in the office or on the district website for your doctor to complete, giving detailed instructions. All pills and other medication, including cough drops, must be kept in the school office.
Lost and Found
All items that are found on the school grounds are kept in a box outside the office. Small, fragile, or highly valuable items are kept in the office. Jackets, sweaters and coats should be labeled. All clothing not claimed before each school break is given to charity. Lunch containers and water bottles will be disposed of weekly.
Breakfast and Lunch
Starting School Year 2022-23, breakfast snack is available at recess as well as hot lunch is available to all students at no charge.
Each student will have a Personal Identification Number (their PermID) to be used to account for these food items with the state or federal government. During the school year 2022-23, there is no need to deposit money into your school lunch account.
If and when the process changes where families have to purchase school breakfast or lunch, please follow the following processes. Using the blue lunch ordering envelopes found on the office counter, you may deposit money into your child's lunch account. Please put money or checks inside the blue envelope, fill out the information on the outside, seal, and place the envelope in the box provided in the office. If you would like to make a payment online or check your student's balance, please visit https://family.titank12.com/
Please do not pack glass items or storage containers in your student’s lunch. They cause a safety hazard when they get dropped and broken during lunch. Also, be sure that your student can open any container or thermos that is packed in their lunch.
Parents dropping off bag lunches after the start of school should place these on the cart outside of the main office. Please inform your student ahead of time to pick up their lunch off the cart. The office will not interrupt classroom instruction time to inform students that their lunch has been dropped off, so please help train your student to check the lunch drop off area if they are missing their lunch.
Children will walk with their class to assigned lunch tables. Upon dismissal by noon aides, students will throw away all trash and see that the lunch area is left in good order. Children should be encouraged to eat their lunch. On rainy days, students will remain in their classrooms for lunch.
Students may use the office telephone for EMERGENCY USE ONLY. After school playdates and forgotten items, including lunches and homework are not considered an emergency. The office telephone is a landline - please be sure your students know how to use a landline phone and remind them to leave a message any time they call home and can’t reach anyone.
The library is located in our Guided Learning Center (GLC). Classes are scheduled to go to the library once a week, when students may choose books to check out. Students are held responsible for books they check out. If a book is lost or unnecessarily damaged, it is the responsibility of the student to pay for it.
Student Activities
Student Council
The students at Faria A+ School are encourage to develop a leadership role in decision-making about our school program. They are involved with the selection of Spirit Days, Yearbook covers, and service projects that they may want to participate in. Elections are open to 3rd through 5th graders. Student Body Offices may also assist with morning announcements on a rotating basis.
The student council officers consist of the President and Vice President who are fifth grade students that preside over all of the Student Council meetings. There is another essential role of taking notes of the meetings and recording activities which is serviced by the Secretary. Two students from each classroom in grades 3 through 5 are selected as representatives. They participate in all student council activities. These activities are facilitated by teacher advisors.
There are commonly support roles for sports equipment and students that support a healthy school environment. These roles are determined by the principal and the student council advisors.
Field Trips
Field trips are held to a minimum, should be of educational value, and pertain to current classroom work. The trips will be approved in advance by the principal and will have pre and follow-up classroom activities. All field trip processes are under the District's guidance for topics like supervision, transportation, and so on.
Class Parties
Birthdays at Faria
Students will receive a birthday certificate and pencil from their teachers. Students may not bring birthday treats, snacks, or lunches to school to share with their classmates. Students may not have private birthday parties at the lunch tables. Parents, relatives and friends are asked not to send flowers, balloons and other birthday gifts to students at school. We encourage and invite all students to donate a book to our library to celebrate their birthdays.
Responsibilities and Faria Alternative School Contracts
Teacher Responsibilities
All teachers at Faria A+ School are here because they agree with the A+ Philosophy and want to implement it in their classrooms.
Accordingly, teachers will:
Uphold the A+ Philosophy and its implementation recognizing that the philosophy is parent-initiated and supported.
Strive for academic excellence.
Support the homework and reporting policy.
Maintain a quiet and orderly classroom with appropriate discipline.
Maintain an interesting and motivating physical environment using student work as much as possible.
Achieve and maintain an academically stimulating environment
Encourage a free flow of information between parents and teachers.
Parent Responsibilities
By choosing to enroll your child at Faria A+ School you have provided him or her an opportunity for an excellent education. In addition, you have incurred the responsibility as a parent to provide the proper interest, encouragement, guidance, and home environment to foster the best learning situation for your child.
Parents will:
- Support the A+ Philosophy and its implementation and actively assist in its continuing improvement.
- Use proper channels of contacting school personnel. See the section for School Policies under Operating and Implementation Rules for the proper procedures.
- Encourage a free flow of information between parents and teachers.
- Encourage full day attendance by scheduling appointments (such as medical and dental, vacations and events) for their child during non-school time.
- Provide a suitable time and place for homework.
- Ensure that homework takes precedence over other out-of-school activities.
- Listen to their child read and have discussion time where the child may expand on classroom discussions.
- Encourage their child to make regular use of the public or school library.
- Be selective in the child's use of technology.
- Help students to develop responsibility in bringing books and papers home and in returning them to school.
- Review papers which are brought home by students.
- Sign and return promptly all school-related papers requiring parental response.
- Maintain mutual responsibility for punctuality with their child in arriving at school on time.
- Ensure that their child has sufficient sleep and adequate nutrition to be alert during class.
- Read all communication and announcements sent out from school via email or other online communication tools
- Commit to volunteer at least 8 hours every school year to support school and parent organization related activities.
Operational and Implementation Guidelines for Faria's Philosophy
The following section of the Faria Academics Plus Handbook is an amplification of the philosophy statement. It details many aspects of daily practice within the school in a formal policy. Development of this policy has been a joint effort of the parents and staff through the meetings of the School Site Council.
Behavior and Discipline
Faria A+ Students are expected to do their best, be fair, be safe, be respectful and be responsible. They are expected to follow the number one and number two rules.
Number One Rule: Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
Number Two Rule: No put-downs.
Our Social and Emotional Learning objectives are aligned with the national framework below (CASEL 2017):
Self-awareness: Know your strengths and limitations, with a well-grounded sense of confidence, optimism, and a “growth mindset.”
Self-management: Effectively manage stress, control impulses, and motivate yourself to set and achieve goals.
Social awareness: Understand the perspectives of others and empathize with them, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
Relationship skills: Communicate clearly, listen well, cooperate with others, resist inappropriate social pressure, negotiate conflict constructively, and seek and offer help when needed.
Responsible decision-making: Make constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions based on ethical standards, safety, and social norms.
Faria students are expected to show understanding by exhibiting these character traits:
Friendship | Cooperation |
Respect | Honesty |
Responsibility | Acceptance |
Perseverance | Kindness |
Empathy | Manners |
Compassion |
Self Discipline |
State and federal laws and district policies provide for an environment free from harassment, intimidation, or insult on the basis of an individual’s race, religion, nationality, or gender. When a situation occurs, the school will work with the students and their parents to correct and eliminate the behavior.
1. Fighting or calling someone out to a fight.
2. Throwing any object that could cause injury to another. (Such as rocks, dirt clods, or tanbark).
3. Ethnic or racial slurs.
4. Vulgar gestures or words.
5. Continual pattern of classroom disturbance.
6. Destruction and/or defacing of public or private property.
7. Cheating, lying, or stealing.
8. Being disrespectful to adults.
9. Repeated minor offenses, for example: chewing gum, tardiness, littering, being disrespectful to peers, and playing in unsupervised areas.
10. Threatening to hurt someone or encouraging someone else to fight or play fight.
The Number One Rule: Keep your hands, your feet, and objects to yourself.
The Number Two Rule: No put-downs.
Students are expected to “use their words” to solve problems on the yard. When a resolution cannot be reached, students are encouraged to use brainstorm solutions like using Rock, paper, scissors, evaluate if it is a fair, then try it out. If it doesn’t work, then try another option that was discussed. If necessary seek a yard supervisor to help you through the process.
Stay away from the “off limits areas” at recess, lunch, and after school.
Behind rooms 16-29
In front of school
Slope behind GLC
The courtyards between buildings
The area between the track and the boundary fence (West & North boundaries)
The boundary trees
Between the black top and the boundary fence (South boundary)
Bike rack
Stay out of and away from the trees, and do not pull on branches.
If a ball rolls, bounces, or is thrown off school grounds, only an adult may retrieve it.
No gum at school any time, anywhere. This includes before, during, after school, during field trips, parties, assemblies, Open House, and GLC evening programs.
Follow the “school rules” for games such as handball, four square, soccer, and tetherball at all times. Follow the grade level court designations.
Do not play active games on the grass involving more than 3 grade levels (1-2-3, 2-3-4, 3-4-5).
Running and chase games (such as tag) may only be played on the grass.
Arrive at school between 8:15 and 8:28 a.m. At dismissal time, students must go to the front of the school, not the courtyards, or the playground.
Play Structures: Take turns and be polite. No running in the tanbark. Slides: Sit down, feet out, down only. No games on the play structures that involve closing your eyes like Marco Polo.
Never lift, pick-up, or carry another person anywhere at school.
Only bounce balls against the ball walls, not against the buildings. Play with rubber balls and basketballs on the blacktop. Football and soccer balls on the grass only. Never kick a rubber ball.
Tackle football, pile-on, and all other contact games are not allowed.
No digging in the dirt or carrying water to play with in the dirt and sand.
Do not pick up or play with any sticks or rocks.
Recess snacks may only be eaten at the tanbark “bench.”
Do not play or eat in the rest rooms. Do not waste water or paper in the bathrooms or any place at school. Always keep your feet on the floor in the restrooms.
Walk to tables. Join the line for hot lunch or milk. Remain calm. Talk quietly.
When eating and drinking, you must be seated at your classroom’s lunch table.
Follow the table dismissal signals. (If you are not finished, stay seated.)
When dismissed to clean up, place all litter in the garbage cans.
Return to your table for inspection by a noon aide and wait to be dismissed to the yard.
WALK all the way to the playground.
Get balls and equipment only out of your own room’s ball bin outside. Athletic equipment may not be brought from home.
Dismissal: Students may not leave the school and wait for their carpools off campus. Students must wait in the front of the school, not the courtyards, or on the playground. Students should be seated quietly and they should wait for their name to be called. Click here to see the off-limits areas.
Park, lock your bike & helmet, and then leave the bike rack area. The campus is available for bikes after 4:30 p.m. only. Bike riders must wear a helmet.
Skateboards, scooters, roller skates/blades, wheel/shoes, and such may not be brought to school.
1. The teacher will take care of minor offenses. Students involved in major offenses may be sent to the office to see the principal if the teacher feels it is necessary.
2. If a child is involved in a major offense, the teacher or principal will contact the parent(s) and relate the incident. The parent(s) will be urged to work with their child so that no further offenses will occur.
3. Should a child be involved in repeated problems, a conference will be held with the principal, the teacher, and the child to explore solutions and to find a more positive behavior pattern.
4. In the event that there are repeated major offenses, in cases that cause injury to others, extreme misconduct; or destruction of property; or with pre-arranged fights, a student may be suspended from school. No student will be suspended from school without parent notification.
5. Disciplinary action may include detention, litter pickup, loss of a classroom or school privilege, or any action considered necessary by the principal and the staff.
6. The staff will keep a record of misconduct. Only those resulting in suspensions will be included in the cumulative file of the student.
Student Attire
Research indicates a direct correlation between students' attire and their school behavior, attitude, and achievement. Therefore, the Faria Dress Code is utilized to maintain a traditional environment that is safe, conducive to learning, and free of distraction. Cleanliness, health, and safety are guides to appropriate school attire.
A student's clothing and appearance should not be so extreme as to draw undue attention to the child or to interfere with the teaching and learning in the classroom.
The following are examples of inappropriate attire for Faria students:
Shorts for outerwear – between October 31 and the end of Spring Break, except when designated by the principal (i.e. hot weather), at which time the shorts should be appropriate for the learning environment (vs. an athletic environment). Shorts may be worn under dresses/skirts, especially if student plays on the bars. In these cases the shorts should not show below the skirt.
Clothing with inappropriate language, pictures, or gestures.
Bare midriffs, bare shoulders (such as halter tops and spaghetti straps)
Skirt, dress, or shorts length shorter than 4 inches above the knee.
Hats, caps, or visors inside rooms - classroom, office, etc.
Inappropriate footwear (such as sandals, clogs, flip flops, cleats, heavy boots, high-heeled or platform shoes, and bare feet)
Makeup, cosmetics (except for medical purposes).
Hair not groomed or in the eyes.
Teachers for all grades will give guidelines for appropriate P.E. attire. On designated P.E. days, students in 4th and 5th grades may change into shorts in the bathroom before P.E. if they wish to wear shorts for PE.
Students are expected to maintain high standards of conduct and appearance. Rules regarding dress will be strictly enforced by the teachers and principal. Students not abiding by the dress code will be sent to the office and parents will be contacted to provide a change of clothing. It is the parent's responsibility to ensure their child adheres to the Faria Dress Code.
Personal Property
Students are not to bring any personal property such as mobile devices, electronics, trading cards or toys from home for use at school unless requested by the teacher. If a parent requires that a student have a cell phone for after school use, it must be kept in the student’s backpack turned off, and may not be used during the school day. Cell phones will be confiscated if used during the school day. This includes recess and lunch times. Students are not to bring inappropriate literature or magazines to school. Any such materials judged vulgar or inappropriate by the teacher or principal, will be confiscated and parents will be required to come to the office to pick them up.
Academic Instruction
All academic instruction is aligned with the current California State Standards. Primary instructional methods start with whole group instruction, followed by group practice and then independent practice. Although instruction begins with the whole group, the teacher may meet with small instructional groups during independent practice as he or she deems necessary. Details of the year’s curriculum are reviewed in the first weeks of school at Curriculum Night. Your child’s individual goals will be discussed and reviewed in our conference meetings held in October.
Whole group presentation (one class with one teacher) will be the method of instruction for academic subjects. Within a specific grade level (4th & 5th) teachers regroup according to guidelines listed below:
1. The 4th - 5th grade teachers will group for math and reading.
2. Grouping will be on grade level amongst the teachers.
3. All groups will cover the same material. However, some groups may move more quickly and be given more enrichment materials. Enrichment materials will not be a level above the appropriate grade level.
4. For the faster moving students, more emphasis will be placed on enrichment (problem solving, practical math, logic).
5. Criteria for placement will be by: past and present teacher judgment, fall assessments, summative assessments and work habits.
1. The main purpose is to teach the students to work cooperatively together. This should increase their individual productivity.
2. The norm will be groups of two to four students depending on the grade level and assignment.
3. Grades for working in groups will not be given unless the grade is given individually to the students, based on their cooperation with the group effort.
Homework will be given four nights a week. It will be remedial, reinforcing, or enriching. It can also include any work not completed during the day. Approximate homework time per night should be one-half hour for primary and one hour for intermediate students. Parents should provide a time and place for homework activities, and students should see that homework is returned to school on time.
Students should attend school everyday except when they are all. Parents should schedule vacations and appointments during school holidays. If that is not possible, students who will miss between 5 to 10 days of school can be placed on an Independent Study Contract. Assignments will include reading, language, math, social studies, science and P.E. The assignments could include writing a journal, collecting maps and brochures and/or preparing a speech for the class. Additional work for specific important class items will need to be completed upon return. Parents should contact the office at least two weeks in advance regarding the contract
Parents are expected to review homework assignments of the Independent Study Contract to see that they are done correctly; and to provide assistance and drill on important concepts suggested by the teacher. It is the parent's responsibility to have the child return all books and materials to the teacher as they walk into the classroom on the morning when the child returns to school. Additional class work that is assigned upon return should also be reviewed. The teacher and parents will determine an appropriate due date for this additional work. Exams that were missed during this time will be made up for credit.
Instructional assistants assist in routine classroom activities such as reinforcement drills and clerical duties. No portion of the academic instruction that is the primary responsibility of the teaching staff may be delegated to instructional assistants.
The exception to the aforementioned policy would be in the case of those instructional assistants who have been hired for their specific subject area expertise.
Parent volunteers, under the direct supervision of the teaching staff, assist groups in enrichment activities and clerical duties.* No portion of the academic instruction, which is the primary responsibility of the teaching staff, may be delegated to parent volunteers.
Correction of papers by parents is limited to objective assignments requiring no subjective assessment on the part of the individual who is correcting said work.
The principal is responsible for the selection of all teachers and instructional assistants. Candidates selected must agree to the A+ Philosophy Statement, which is a prime school objective, thereby conducting their classes and services accordingly.
Faria follows the District's guidelines for promotion, retention and acceleration. These are document in the CUSD Board Policies and Administrative Regulations.
State testing is required once a year in 3rd through 5th grade, in the spring. Results of the student testing will be shared with parents.
Faria A+ students may earn academic distinction in grades four and five. Using a 4-point scale (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1), a student's grade point average is determined by totaling the letter grade values and then dividing by the number of letter grades. Students with all A's earn an Outstanding Scholarship Certificate. Students whose grade point average is within the 3.5 to 3.99 range are awarded an Honor Roll Certificate, and students whose grade point average is within the 3.00 to 3.49 range will receive an Honorable Mention Certificate. A 'D' or 'F' grade, or a ‘S-‘ or ‘U’ in citizenship, work habits or study skills disqualify a student from earning Honor Roll Certificates.
Procedures for handling suggestions or concerns about School Policies
Concerns about School Personnel
Field trips are held to a minimum, should be of educational value, and pertain to current classroom work. The trips will be approved in advance by the principal and will have pre and follow-up classroom activities. All field trip processes are under the District's guidance for topics like supervision, transportation, and so on.
The first step in the procedure for parents who have an individual concern or problem is to discuss the matter with the teacher involved. If other than an individual class is involved, or if satisfaction is not obtained in discussion with the teacher, the matter should be discussed with the principal. Should parents wish to pursue it further, use the following procedure:
A suggestion may be brought to:
1. The PRINCIPAL, who may:
a. Accept
1) If suggestion would affect the Handbook, he/she refers it to SSC.
2) If suggestion does not affect the Handbook, he/she can implement it.
b. Reject - Your options then are to:
1) Accept the decision.
2) Appeal to the SSC.
Chairperson may place it on the agenda, leading to:
a. A specific recommendation for change, which then goes to SSC.
b. No recommendation for change. Your options then are to:
1) Accept the decision.
2) Appeal to SSC.
3. The SSC by:
a. Contacting the SSC CHAIRMAN for placement on the agenda or
b. Bringing it up under New Business or Community Input at an SSC meeting.
c. Possible results:
1) Question may be answered immediately.
2) Referred to Implementation Committee for study.
3) Rejection of proposal.
4) Adoption of proposal.
Topics, suggestions, or problems submitted to the Implementation Committee Chairman or SSC Chairman will be in writing with supporting information. They should normally be signed and the author publicly identified and encouraged to speak on the issue at an Implementation Committee or SSC meeting. When requested, and at the discretion of the Implementation Committee Chairman or SSC Chairman, the author of a topic may be kept anonymous.